If you wish, you can add echo, distorted, noise or other effect by selecting it from the drop-down list. Delay in a couple of seconds is made only for testing effect. The result received is exactly what your interlocutor will hear, just hearing it will be in real time. After pressing this button, the program of the pair of seconds records the sound from the selected microphone and then displays it in the modified form. Experiment with different values \u200b\u200bby pressing the button "Test". It is with the help of it that you can make your voice above or lower. In the above screenshot, it can be seen that there is a slider from "Dwarf" to "giant" in the settings. Now we need to say the program, how exactly we want to change the voice.

If Altercam is installed correctly, the microphone list should be seen "ALTERCAM VIRTUAL AUDIO". To do this, use the menu "Tools - Settings" in Skype and go to the tab "Sound Settings". Then go to Skype and choose a virtual microphone. The program will start automatically after installation. It is easy and requires only a few mouse clicks. How to change voice in skypeįirst of all, it is necessary to install it on the computer. Let us turn to specific steps - instructions for changing the voice.

The interlocutor will hear only your changed voice. You can choose this virtual microphone as a sound source in Skype or any other voice chat. This device knows how to take the sound from the microphone you specified, turn it out how you need and immediately broadcast in your virtual microphone. The program establishes a Virtual Audio Audio Driver (Altercam Virtual Audio). So, you decided to joke over friends or colleagues, or simply disguise and make the voice unrecognizable, and the Altercam program will be able to help you with this. CLOWNFISH for Skype - voice change, message translation and other useful additions