Following the quest marker up the steps leads to a large stone door named the ceremonial door. Upon arriving at Labyrinthian, there are many staircases leading up. Approximately four potions of resist shock can be made with the ingredients found here, alleviating some of the difficulty of the boss battle. Also in the quarters is a Draught of Resist Shock on the shelves with the alchemical ingredients. The Arch-Mage's Quarters at the College of Winterhold has a pair of boots with 40% shock resistance on top of the short wardrobe to the right of the bed. Shock-resistant armor will make this quest easier, as the boss uses high level shock magic and can even summon a storm atronach. The battle is difficult and recommended for levels 20 and above.Ī skeletal dragon in the first chamber of Labyrinthian. Morokei, a Dragon Priest, holds the staff and must be battled to obtain it.

Traversing Labyrinthian, the Dragonborn must search for the fabled Staff of Magnus, which is needed to control the Eye of Magnus. Only the staff will help me put an end to Ancano's abuse of the Eye of Magnus. Press a button ` key, and click the male.I need to retrieve the Staff of Magnus from within Labyrinthian and return with it to the College of Winterhold. If anyone encounter the neck line trouble. I experience neck gap when i install it middle gameplay. But.if you start new game, usually that neck game won't happen. This problem exist from original mod but you can solve it easily with console command.

Neck gap will happen if you install this mid game. You only need change face textures inside the folder with anything you want. Short word, this males of skyrim now become NEUTRAL. Say you want use SAM original skin, change that face and normal map with your own face textures. If you want another face, you must change textures face that compatible with your own body skin. You need sam light add on skin because i put fine face for sam light add on. Only replacing the body will not solve samuel or samson body morph and sos patch. So i edit them to use our default body. This males skyrim now use any body mod you installed on your game including my sos patch. Credit to author Aberin and for mod Males of Skyrim.